My Sister And Her Son Took The $300+ We Raised To The Delphi Animal Shelter Last Week.
It has been a difficult few years for all of us, and things may still seem bleak with everything going on in the world. From climate change to wars, we are inundated with news of all the horrors in the world. I want to share a story which will help to restore your faith in people and see how we are progressing as a civilization, because we need to evolve to make things better. The Delphi Animal Shelter is located a mile away from where our Yiayia (grandmother) and Papou (grandfather) grew up and our family home in Itea, Greece.
We were very worried a few weeks ago, when we got a call from my cousin alerting my dad of wildfires which were spreading down the mountain towards our town. Not only were we worried about our relatives and friends, but we knew the fire was heading towards the ancient olive groves and the dog shelter.
Katerina, the main volunteer who helps run the shelter said it was INSANE as the fires were edging closer. She and others put calls out for help through Facebook and text messages asking for help to evacuate the dogs as the fires were heading towards the shelter. Over 50 cars and trucks showed up and were being packed with dogs to go to a safe location, the local stadium. Katerina said she didn't even know people and they were just selflessly putting dogs in cars to get them out! How amazing can people be! It brings tears to my eyes every time I retell this story
Katerina and my nephew
The fire came within meters of the shelter. And people showed up to help in the midst of chaos. Just beautiful. It gives me hope that we can each make a difference, especially when we work together for a common good!